Balqa and Madaba:
Water Loss Reduction of the Middle Governorates - Balqa and Madaba


  • Masterplanning
  • Water Supply


Dorsch International Consultants


Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ)


From 2011 to 2022

Project Activities

The Programme will be implemented in 2 Stages and five phases, the design stage (Phase 1 - 3) and the implementation stage (Phase 4, 5), as follows:

  • Phase 1: Identification of Measures and Preliminary Design / Sensitization of the Population;
  • Phase 2: Preparation of the Final Design and Tender Documents;
  • Phase 3: Assistance to the PEA in Tendering and Contracting;
  • Phase 4: Site Supervision of Works; and
  • Phase 5: Assistance to the PEA during Liability Period.

Identifying priority areas for the Water Loss Reduction measures is done through the following approach:

  • Understanding of the parameters that influence the different components of NRW (physical and apparent losses).
  • A diagnostic approach to define the priority areas by identification and ranking of indicators.
  • GIS analysis and evaluation
  • Overlaying of the individual GIS datasets to narrow down priority zones.
  • Developing a priority index system ranking from high priority to no priority.
  • Review of findings on site and discussion with the management in each Governorate and Directorate.

The project works involve the following:

  • Water primary distribution pipeline DN150 to DN300 – 10.8 km
  • Tertiary distribution pipeline from PE63 to PE125 – 153.0 km
  • House connections – 6,100 no.
  • Upgrading reservoir pump station (3 pumps total 220 m3/h of 25 to 30 m head)
  • Rehabilitation of Safout reservoir


Dorsch International Consultants GmbH

München (Headquarters)
Landsberger Str. 368
80687 München

Phone: +49 89 5797-0
Fax: +49 89 5797-800

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The Balqa and Madaba Water Administrations service areas, lack baseline data and information, making the tertiary networks in middle governorates feeble, and with a high percentage (up to 50%) of Non-Revenue Water (NRW)..Water resources are also inadequately protected and, in some locations, prone to pollution.
Therefore, the project aims to ensure an equitable, cost-efficient and safe supply of drinking water as well as affordable sanitation improving wastewater collection and reuse for the entire population. Additionally, the project follows a new performance-based approach for NRW reduction measures in selected areas (e.g. hot spots with a high leakage concentration) which substantially increases water-use efficiency and ultimately saves energy and decreases greenhouse gas emissions which can be a cost-effective climate change adaptation measure.
The major indicators for the achievement of the overall objectives as follows:

  • Physical losses and apparent losses are reduced by 20% (where 100% is the current value of the losses) in the areas where the measures have been taken, after the implementation; and
  • 2 years after initial sample tests (500 no.) water quality in 60% of the contaminated roof tanks is safe (E-Coli/100ml: <100).